A Call for Stephen Colbert Restoring Truthiness Rally
Golden Dove Awards: Vote for Mellow 94.7

The smokin’ hot Barbados beauty, Rihanna was caught carrying a gun! Rihanna’s gun was found on her leg and is reportedly there without a permit!

I guess Rihanna learned her lesson and decided to arm herself in case any more crazy Chris Brown type boyfriends decides to make her face into a punching bag.

OK, just kidding. But wanted you guys to see Rihanna’s new tattoo! Rihanna’s gun tattoo is a bit too much for me. I mean I LOVE tattoos and all but this one is just kinda over top.

The other tats on her arm and stuff are ok. I still kinda like Rihanna better naked… well I mean with less tattoos. They’re just a bit messy on her.

What do you think about Rihanna’s gun tattoo?




Rihanna Carries A Gun! New Tattoo

A Call for Stephen Colbert Restoring Truthiness Rally
Golden Dove Awards: Vote for Mellow 94.7