Blogger Event for Intellipen Press Launch & Raffle! Cool New Gadget - write on paper, transfer to computer!
The REAL Value of Social Networking by Seth Godin

On my radio show, “The G-Spot” with DJ Vince G, I have a segment I call “Edumacate Me!” where my listeners and I try to learn something new from a guest I bring on. This week’s guests were some TV show hosts and executives at an online job portal who were here to teach us how succeed at finding a job and going on a blind date…. AT THE SAME TIME!

My guests, Marybeth Nave and Fritz Capulong, said that finding a job and going on a blind date are pretty much the same as you don’t know what to expect for both of them, but also, because the way to succeed for both is to “Create That Lasting Impression” that will make your potential employer, or potential mate, remember you.

We had way too many callers with questions and inquiries, but fortunately, our friends gave me more info for you to use before you go out on that blind date, or before you go out for your next job interview.

Hope you learn a lot and get a good “edumacation” from this!

Edumacate-Me-The-G-Spot-with-DJ-Vince-G-Mellow-947-guests-Marybeth-Fritz Edumacate-Me-The-G-Spot-with-DJ-Vince-G-Mellow-947-guests-Marybeth-Nave

Creating That Lasting Impression

Looking for a job is like going out on a blind date; to get that job or get another date with your dream girl, you must be able to create a positive and lasting impression.

Most of the executives and HR personnel I’ve talked with said, as much as they want to get the possible candidates among all the applicants it is the one whom they remember that they eventually hire. I can same the same thing with dating. Friends and acquaintances that I’ve spoken with said that they go out with the most interesting person they know.

The questions, now, is how can you make a very good lasting impression?

  1. Know your strengths – there are many people who can do the same things you are doing. At the same time, there are so many people who are more qualified than you on certain things. But what can help you stand-out?

It is your strengths? Each of us are unique. We have different gifts to offer. Knowing your talents and strengths will make you stand-out. A common example is when we see a bombshell that is holding hands and walking with an average Joe. We often see comedians going out with models who are young enough to be their daughters. Why do these comedians stand-out? What makes these bombshells go out with these average Joes?

Comedians know how to play on their strengths. They know how to maximize it for a lasting impression. They make these beautiful women laugh and have a good time. They make people feel good about themselves.

How can you find your strengths? What do you like doing without someone telling you about it? What can you do for hours and not get bored? How can you make a difference with what you like doing?

  1. Highlight your strengths – the only way to get noticed by people is when you tell them how good you are. You must be your own cheering squad!

How do you tell people about your strengths without sounding too proud? Tooting your own horn too loud will cause some people to tune you out or be turned-of. You must be able to do it with such grace that it is almost a soft sell.

When you are applying for a job, use the power of the internet. Blogging is very easy. Creating your own home page is now very affordable. You can ask your prospective employers to look at your site or for artists or creative designers, your portfolio. You can use Multiply or Facebook.

When going out on a blind date, ask your friends to build you up! You can treat this friend afterwards. There is nothing like a testimonial from other people; whom your date trusts, to build up your reputation. The key here, make your date excited to see you.

The key here is to make yourself stand-out.

  1. Impression – how do you want to be remembered is one things you should think about. You have been invited by your dream company for an interview or your blind date to eagerly meet you… what can you do to make them remember you and ask you to come back?

People create an impression of us from the moment we enter the door to the moment we leave the place. To be able to create a very good impression, we must able to conduct ourselves in a very professional but friendly manner. If you are a casual, people may see that you’re not respecting them.

By being professional and friendly you must have these:

  • Confidence – knowing that you have something to offer
  • Communication skills – making them understand that you have something that they need or want
  • Appearance – looking the part of what or who you say you are

When taken all these three points together, you will be able to sell yourself to your prospective company or your dream girl.

If you want more advice from my guest, you can email or check out his blogs at or you can also contact

You can tune in to “The G-Spot” with DJ Vince G every weekend morning (Saturdays 6am-9am & Sundays 6am-10am) on Mellow 94.7 where we have our “Edumacate Me!” segment every other Sunday.

You can also listen from anywhere around the world on


Blogger Event for Intellipen Press Launch & Raffle! Cool New Gadget - write on paper, transfer to computer!
The REAL Value of Social Networking by Seth Godin