I found this really helpful post called 5 Ways to Stay Motivated to Finish What You Started by Hani Al-Qasem that gives you tips on how to stay motivated to finish what you started. Hope you find it as helpful as I did.
There must be a reason why many people quite often start projects or tasks, big or small, and at some point while working on the tasks they feel overwhelmed, frustrated and stressed, so much so that in the end they quit or feel like quitting.
When they are in a state of overwhelm or frustration their motivation to keep working is hindered. Their enthusiasm to finish off what they had started is greatly reduced and may lead to stop working on the project altogether.
So what do most of them do?
They mosey on to the coffee machine grunting under their breath, and once there they find someone to vent on. They spend a few minutes in idle one way chatter, complaining about the project or task that they have to do.
And as soon as the complaining session is over they reluctantly go back to their desk and stare at the project with great distaste wondering how they are going to get it done.
Rather than you falling into the same predicament of overwhelm and frustration, there are 5 ways I found that can really keep you productive and motivated to finish off what you started, where you can get things done from beginning to end, and feel great while doing so.
Here are the 5 ways that you can use today to easily finish off anything that you started, and to do so with great enthusiasm and motivation:
1. Break down the project into smaller pieces. The size and type of the project is irrelevant. To be more productive and remain motivated to finish off the project, you simply have to break it down into smaller, more manageable portions.
By breaking the project into smaller pieces, it will not seem so daunting. And what’s more, as you complete one step and before going to the next, you will have a sense of satisfaction, a sense of accomplishment, which feels wonderful, psychologically.
This alone will motivate you to move onto to the next chunk or piece. But, before you move on to the next piece, be nice and give yourself a reward.
Go to the coffee machine and pour yourself a well-deserved cup and celebrate that achievement.
Once the celebration is over, go back and finish off another chunk. Notice the difference in your mood. You will be more productive than before and you will also feel more motivated to work, looking forward to receiving another reward.
2. Utilize the snowball effect to your advantage. What has the snowball effect got to do with motivation? In one word, momentum. Find the easiest and most enjoyable part of the project and start there.
This way you will finish off that portion of the task quickly and easily. It will give you the added buzz of accomplishment, and it will also increase the level of your self confidence and motivation.
What a huge sense of achievement. Even if that chunk was small or petty, the motivating sense of accomplishment is still there. It is to be recognised and, better yet, rewarded.
3. Avoid multitasking as best as you can. Perhaps you cannot avoid distractions, but at least make an effort to stay clear of multitasking.
Focus on what is at hand as best as you can.
The main benefit from this is that when you focus on the project that you are working on, not will you only be more productive, your motivation level will also increase as you will more than likely finish off the project sooner.
4. Take breaks. If at any point as you are working on a project you feel your motivation is slipping, perhaps because you still have a long way to go, or the remaining work is harder and more time-consuming, I suggest you finish off the chunk that you are working on and walk away from the task.
Get up and go for a chat, have lunch, call someone.
The objective here is to take your attention away from the project. This will ease away the frustration or annoyance that you may be feeling. And when you get back to the task, you will feel more relaxed, refreshed and motivated to continue.
5. No, seriously… take breaks. Yes, take another break. Where possible, figure a way for you to take a 3 – 5 minute break after every 40 – 45 minutes of continued work. Preferably get away from your desk or your work area.
Use your imagination here!
Research says that after 40 – 45 minutes of continuous work the brain tends to get tired or slow down. Perhaps that delay is not that noticeable, but it is there. In time, it will be obvious when you feel tired or drained, or you cannot focus as well.
Go for a stretch, a drink of water, a stroll.
Whatever way you can come up with to take a break will be highly beneficial. I am only talking about a short 3 – 5 minute break.
And, again, once you go back to the task, your brain will have had a rejuvenating break. You will feel well rested, refreshed and more motivated to continue.
Make these 5 ways an integral part of your life, where you will have the satisfaction of doing more and in less time, and you will do so in a more enthusiastic and motivated way.