Category: Internet Marketing

Are you Sexy Enough to be a Video Blogger? (how to Vlog)

I spoke today at the iBlog 6 Summit (iBlog6) held at the University of the Philippines.

My topic was Video Blogging 101 with my own little twist. I titled my segment, “Are you Sexy Enough to be a Video Blogger?” and talked about why people should start a video blog, the power a video blog carries and what it can do for you. I then also spoke about common excuses that people give regarding why they don’t want to start a video blog.

Below is my supporting article to my presentation that appeared in the UP Law Center’s Internet and Society Program “Digit@l” Magazine Volume 9 Issue 1.

Find out more about the iBlog Summits here –


Are you Sexy Enough for Video Blogging?
By: Vince Golangco

Long before you and I were around, our great great great great grandfathers used to live by the saying that goes: “It’s all about what you know!” So they poured their blood, sweat and tears into working 12 hours a day and learning a craft to the point where they were better than everyone else. The problem with this concept is that you can be the very BEST at one thing, but if no one knows you’re the best, then you won’t really get much work.

From that splendid point of view came the old saying our great great grandfathers then lived by, that went: “It’s not about what you know, it’s all about who you know!” This concept of course came to life at the dawn of the marketing and advertising era. It was about making connections and seeking them when you need help. It’s a very basic premise that is still used a lot here in the Philippines, especially in politics (that’s a semi-joke). Knowing someone always ensured you could ask for help when you needed it. The problem was that your ask-for-help currency is usually limited. You can only ask for so many favors and people can only do so much for you.

What would be more beneficial to all parties would be you helping other people to find you, when they need you. Help them help you. Thus, in today’s new marketplace and new globalized culture, the new and most effective way of life goes as:

“It’s not about what you know or who you know, it’s all about WHO KNOWS YOU!”

If Big Widget Making Company needed to get someone to make their new widget, and they somehow heard about your excellent widget making skills, they would surely approach you to seek your guidance. If this said Big Widget Making Company need someone to market their new widget, and they somehow heard about your excellent widget marketing skills… well you get the point.

With the internet, we’re each able to promote our own personal brands and inform others about our personal expertise. The person who better markets themselves and promotes their brand will, more often, get the job. This person will get the job even though there may be others more skilled or qualified than he is. But don’t hate the playah’… hate the game.

Blogging and video blogging are some of the most powerful tools to get your name out there.

What’s the difference between a blog and a video blog? Well, it’s pretty simple; video blogging, or vlogging, is twice as powerful as regular blogging.

First of all, a vlog allows for more avenues to publish your work. You’re able to re-post your creative products on other sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, TwitVid and more. Furthermore, most blogs do not do a good job of putting a face on the writer. Have you ever tried remembering a name without a face? It’s much more difficult to remember someone if you can’t recall what they look like. So not adding a logo, or your face, to your blog and brand is a malpractice that most people overlook.

The best practice I’ve seen with vlogs is still having the blog aspect to your post, but having a video that compliments your article. Having the written part helps you with the Search Engine Optimization (SEO), while also giving more depth to your post. What vlogs have though that regular blogs don’t is the ability to feed the need of people to watch TV, or something like TV. Moreover, videos help you feature so much more about your topic that regular words or pictures simply can’t capture.

When I founded, I knew from the start that a travel site featuring the Philippines would not be justified with just stories and photos. I knew that this country had way too much splendor to encapsulate into just letters and static images. There was no question that creating a video channel was the best way to properly build this site. The traffic and positive response we’ve gotten as of today is just a small testament of the power of  video blogs.

You’ve most likely heard about internet sensations turning into global celebrities such as Charice Pempengco or Arnel Pineda. Both starting out as no more than YouTube video diary producers but are now international talents. These two individuals did no more than just post videos of their singing expertise.

Now instead of giving you more reasons why you should start a video blog, I’m instead going to give you the most common reasons why people haven’t already started a vlog and also the rebuttal I have for these initial mis-thoughts:

  • “I’m shy”

Let me share a secret with you – Some of the most successful, most popular, and seemingly most outgoing “celebrities” are actually some of the shyest and most bashful people in the world. Being shy is a normal part of being human. Many people are able to overcome this simply by ignoring their internal thoughts or by excessive practice of pretending not to be shy. The secret is that everyone has some level of bashfulness that comes from the basic human need of being accepted. In fact, sometimes the limelight triggers this need for acceptance even more and some people who get thrown into this popularity pool have no idea how to handle all the attention. They eventually start craving the positive attention and slowly start needing more of it to feed and counter their shyness. I constantly recall a friend of mine, named Pam, who’s a professional model. She once told me that she hates dating other models because models are very needy. She said that most other models need you to constantly remind them of how cool, sexy and special they are, or think they are. They need the constant ego boost in order to maintain their level of “unshyness” in order to properly perform their job. They may do a good job at hiding how shy they really are, but the bottom line is that they’re just as introverted as you are, but the difference is that they found a way to overcome this. So if you want to take your brand, or yourself to the next level, then you need to find your own way of overcoming this internal block. Start by contemplating this statement: “Fake it til’ you make it!” Now STOP, and think about it.

  • “I don’t look good on camera” / “I’m not sexy enough to be a video blogger”

This fruitless thought is yet another angle of the shy syndrome that we all need to overcome. We’re fed lies everyday by the television and beauty magazines. They dictate to us the need for excessive make-up and photoshopping skills in order to look like what the ad agencies and big corporations think we should look like. This is a trap that we should not fall into:

“Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.”  – Steve Jobs, Apple CEO

It’s a new world and the dawn of social media has moved the control of what we think is beautiful from the advertising agencies to the end users. No longer is this an era of supermodels with fake tans and breast implants. Today’s Web 2.0 world dictates that the normal people are the more beautiful specimens. It’s all about what’s real today. Believe me, you are more beautiful and more real than half the fakers on TV today.  Now you just need to adjust your own self to think the same way.

  • “I don’t think I have anything significant to say or share”

Are you religious? Do you believe in women’s rights? Who do you think will be the best president for our country? Do you like cats?

You do have an opinion and you do have something significant to say. Having an opinion of something does not mean you have to be a certified expert in that field. It’s just what it is, an opinion. There is no need for a degree in law or political science to share your opinion on who you think will be the best president for the country. You can vote for whoever you want and have your own thoughts on why this is so. Some people will think you are an absolute idiot for thinking one way, while other will also think that you are an absolute genius for thinking the same exact thoughts. So just say it as it is. Get a camera and let people know what you think. Don’t expect everyone to agree with it. It’s actually a good thing if some people disagree with you. It means you have a good point. It means you’re challenging things. It means you are a leader. Good leaders are the ones who always challenge the status quo. Be that leader!

  • “I don’t have the tools to create videos” / “My camera is not the High Definition / Blue Ray quality that’s needed for online videos”

When I first started my vlog,, I thought I needed the best quality cameras and the best equipment known to man. It wasn’t long before I realized that the internet does not have such stringent entrance fees as I thought it would. This is one club that lets everyone in. This is not to say that you should produce material of low quality, instead it just means that sometimes, real videos that are less fabricated and more personal are more appreciated online. So that means cell phone cameras and digicams work just as well, if not better for the YouTube community.  You don’t need an entire production crew. It’s all about producing quality content with the tools you already have. iPods, digital cameras, your phones and even webcams are more than enough to get you started. Worry about content rather than equipment.

  • “I don’t know how to edit a video”

I live by this quote that says: “The man who says ‘I CAN’ and the man that says ‘I CAN’T’ are both right. Which one are you?”

So it all starts with the right attitude. If you’re willing to learn, then I guarantee that you will. In fact, video editing (like so many other things in life) is much easier than you may think. I still use the basic program for most of my video editing needs. You can actually download it for free, just search for “Windows Live Movie Maker.” It’s is the bare necessity / basic video editing program that will not leave you confused like a grandma on Facebook. There aren’t too many options or buttons but it still has more than enough to get you going. You can cut, paste, add videos, add pictures, add music and even put a watermark. It should take you no more than a few tries at this to be an expert at editing videos with this program. All it takes is the right attitude and the initiative to do so.

  • “No one will watch me anyway”

Well what do you have to lose? It may take some time but if you do put out anything with decent quality, you’ll start finding your niche and you’ll start getting the support you need. It’s no secret that every blogger, video blogger, or TV star started out with one fan – their mom. Though with the right marketing tactics and persistence, all these people start building an audience of people who appreciate them for who they are and what they do. You don’t need to have any super talents. Sometimes, people appreciate you for exactly what you can bring to the table. In fact, this sometimes makes people more attracted to you as they feel like they can connect with you. They end up feeling just as simple as you are and thus they appreciate you for what you have to say, no matter how insignificant you may think it is (refer back to advice on you thinking that you don’t have anything significant to say or share).

The relatively low cost of starting an online channel has made video production much easier. In fact, marketers and bloggers today like going by the phrase: “Ready, Fire, Aim.” It’s a statement that means you can adjust your content toward your audience. Just get started with what you have in mind and worry about adjusting and tweaking it as you go along. It won’t cost you anything anyway. Go ahead, fire when ready!

  • “People might say mean things about me and my videos”

Yes they will. I won’t lie, there are a lot of “haters” out there who do nothing but try to drag people down. The one piece of advice I remember from Filipino internet sensation Christina Gambito, better known as HappySlip, was that you need to ignore all the negative comments and downbeat people. They will be out there and you just need to do your best to produce what you feel is quality videos and content. The rest will fall into place on its own.

Most are hindered from starting a vlog simply by their own selves. Well, it’s time to overcome your personal walls and turn yourself into the next internet video producer. With the right attitude and some practice, you’ll be the next video star faster than you can say “YouTube Sensation!”

Believe me, it’s a lot easier than you think.

“The greater danger for most of us, is not that our aim is too high and we miss it,
but that it is too low and we reach it”

Vince Golangco is the Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director of, a top video blog and digital content provider in the Philippines. Aside from blogging, Vince is also a Radio DJ on Mellow 94.7. Moreover, he is the host of “Tek Tok TV” (Tech Talk TV), a show on the Global News Network (GNN) which talks about the latest trends in technology, gadgets, the internet, blogging and other geeky stuff. You can find out more about him on or on

IBlog-Summit-Blogging-Convention-iblog6-1 IBlog-Summit-Blogging-Convention-iblog6-2


Are you Sexy Enough to be a Video Blogger? (how to Vlog)

The Digital Lab (Internet Marketing Seminar)

Very excited to be at The Digital Lab – internet marketing seminar put together by BBDO and Proximity Worldwide! Great list of speakers and already learning a lot about today’s online media space.

Here are the speakers at The Digital Lab  powered by BBDO & Proximity Worldwide:

Richard Fraser – Regional Managing Director of Proximity Asia

Anand Tilak – Head of CPG, Finance, Education & Government category Google South East Asia

George Foo – Chief Operating Officer ihub Media Pte Ltd. Official Sales Partner Facebook in Southeast Asia

Samir Ahmed – Country Head of Deploy Digital

Read more about the speakers here – Digital Lab Speakers

It’s funny how no one is ever really an expert with social media and online marketing. The playing field keeps changing and it keeps getting more interesting.

So far, some interesting fact’s I’ve gotten, while barely 1/4 of the way through this, is that:

  • 70% of internet growth in the coming years will come from video
  • There are 2 Million emails sent every second
  • Bandwidth for 20 homes will generate more traffic than the entire internet in 1995
  • The Philippines leads the world in number of internet users who view online videos
    • Phil – 98.1%
    • Brazil 93%
    • China 89.1%
  • There are 1 Billion SMS (text) messages sent per day in the Philippines
  • 50% of active users in Facebook log in daily

Anyway, I’ll write another post later on with new info after I get them.


iBlog 6 Philippines Summit Schedule of Events and Registration

The 2010 iBlog Summit is one of the top internet marketing and blogging conferences in the Philippines to date. It is an event organized by one of the top online entrepreneurs, Janette Toral of

It’s a two day event full of the top speakers in the geek tech world. OF course, you”ll have me speaking about Video Blogging 101. It’s scheduled for April 16 and 17.

The first day, April 16, Friday, of the iBlog Philippines Summit is has speakers and presentations targeted towards businesses and entrepreneurs while the second day, April 17, Saturday, is more focused on blogging.

iBlog: The 6th Philippine Blogging Summit will be on April 16 and 17, 2010 at the Malcolm Theater, UP College of Law, UP Diliman, from 8 am to 5 pm. This event is FREE. Note that the first 250 registered participants to come early (on or before 9 am) will be given food stub and participant kit. Afterwards, remaining food stubs and participant kits shall be given to early walk-ins. iBlog6 will be two days this year. The first day (April 16) is targeted for businesses and entrepreneurs wanting to understand how to tap blogs as a medium to promote their products and services. The second day (April 17) is meant to everyone interested about blogging.

If you want to come to this, all you have to do is register online. The iBlog 6 Summit is FREE. All you have to do is sign up here – iBlog 6 Summit Philippines

Here’s a schedule of events for the iBlog6 Summit

Day 1: (Friday April 16, 2010)
09:00AM to 09:15AM – Opening Ceremonies (National Anthem, Welcome Remarks by JJ Disini)
09:15AM to 09:35AM – Blogging for Business: Tapping Bloggers to Generate Buzz (Janette Toral)
09:35AM to 10:10AM – Advertising in Blogs (Abe Olandres)
10:25AM to 12:50AM – Break
10:50AM to 11:10AM – Sponsor Talk (Ivy Jean Vibar)
11:25AM to 11:45AM – SEO & Blogging to Promote Your Business (Francis Gary Viray)
12:00PM to 01:30PM – Lunch / Networking
01:30PM to 01:50PM – Measuring Blog Buzz (Carlo Ople)
02:05PM to 02:25PM – Legal Concerns in Blogging for Business (Emerson Bañez)
02:40PM to 03:00PM – Break
03:00PM to 03:20PM – Blogger and Advertiser: What is the Win-Win Relationship? (Diana Paterno)
03:35PM to 03:50PM – Online Attraction Marketing (Manuel Viloria)
04:05PM – Raffle and Group picture taking.

Day 2: (Saturday April 17, 2010)
08:45AM – Opening Ceremonies (National Anthem & Welcome)
09:00AM – 09:20AM – Blogging 101 (Hannah Villasis of
09:35AM to 09:55AM – Video Blogging 101 (Vince Golangco of
10:10AM to 10:30AM – Photo Blogging 101 (Juned Sonido)
10:45AM to 11:00AM – Break
11:00AM to 11:20AM – Blog Policies (Emerson Bañez)
11:35AM to 11:55AM – Blog on Mobile (Racquel R. Cagurangan)
12:10PM to 01:20PM – Lunch / Networking
01:20PM to 01:30PM – Performance (UP Concert Chorus)
01:30PM to 02:15PM – Political, Online Community, Social Media, & Election Blogging 2010 (Marck Ronald Rimorin and Noemi Dado)
02:30PM to 02:50PM – Launching Successful Blog Contests (Jinoe Gavan)
03:05PM to 03:20PM – Break
03:20PM to 03:40PM – Impact of Blogging to the Community (Joseph Gonzales)
03:55PM to 04:15PM – SEO: A Must for Making Money Online (Marhgil Macuha)
04:30PM – Raffle, i Blog Video Contest Winner Announcement & group picture taking.


Speaker at De La Salle University LEAP (Lasallian Enrichment Alternative Program)

I spoke today at the De La Salle University, Lasallian Enrichment Alternative Program or LEAP.

LEAP is a one-day event that aims to holistically develop Lasallians by offering alternative classes which cater to their special interest.

In front of about 40 students, I discussed the topic of: “Personal Branding & Blogging.”

It was a lot of fun being back in a college / university. I never really realized how different I am today as compared to my college days.

The Lasallian Enrichment Alternative Program (LEAP) is an annual activity during the University Week. It is sponsored by the Council of Student Organizations (CSO) and its accredited organizations, Student Council (SC) and its college and batch assemblies, and some offices in the University.  This annual activity was approved by the Council of Deans in 2001, and has been supported by the university community since then. This year the LEAP is scheduled for Tuesday, February 16, 2010.  The LEAP activity is implemented as follows.

In lieu of regular classes for the Tuesday, February 16, undergraduate students will attend one seminar/workshop as an alternative class.  They can attend a morning session from 0900 to 1200 hrs. or an afternoon session from 1300 to 1600 hrs.  Students are expected to have pre-registered for their preferred class.  At the end of the session, students would be given certificates, which they would have to present to their teachers as proof of their attendance.  Students who fail to attend an alternative class will be marked absent in all their regular classes for that day.

Anyway, I’ll post more about what I talked about and how it went on a different blog post.

Hot Air Balloon Festival LEAP 028

Hot Air Balloon Festival LEAP 042


evolution of man leaping soonSpeaker at De La Salle University LEAP (Lasallian Enrichment Alternative Program)

Very Interesting Social Media Statistics: Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Linkedin etc…

Here’s some VERY interesting social media statistics that I found on

It’s pretty amazing to see how quickly and how aggressively social media is growing. It has totally changed the communication landscape in the past few years.It’ll be even more interesting to see where it will take us in the next coming years.

Social Media Statistics

  • Facebook claims that 50% of active users log into the site each day. This would mean at least 175m users every 24 hours.
  • Twitter now has 75m user accounts, but only around 15m are active users on a regular basis.
  • LinkedIn has over 50m members worldwide..
  • Facebook currently has in excess of 350 million active users on global basis.Six months ago, this was 250m…This means over 40% growth in less than 6 months.
  • Flickr now hosts more than 4 billion images.
  • More than 35m Facebook users update their status each day.
  • Wikipedia currently has in excess of 14m articles, meaning that it’s 85,000 contributors have written nearly a million new posts in six months.
  • Photo uploads to Facebook have increased by more than 100%. Currently, there are around 2.5bn uploads to the site each month.
  • Back in 2009, the average user had 120 friends within Facebook. This is now around 130.
  • Mobile is even bigger than before for Facebook, with more than 65m users accessing the site through mobile-based devices. In six months, this is over 100% increase.
  • There are more than 3.5bn pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, etc.) shared each week on Facebook.
  • There are now 11m LinkedIn users across Europe.
  • Towards the end of last year, the average number of tweets per day was over 27.3 million.
  • The average number of tweets per hour was around 1.3m.
  • 15% of bloggers spend 10 or more hours each week blogging, according to Technorati’s new State of the Blogosphere.
  • At the current rate, Twitter will process almost 10 billion tweets in a single year.
  • About 70% of Facebook users are outside the USA.
  • India is currently the fastest-growing country to use LinkedIn, with around 3m total users.
  • More than 250 Facebook applications have over a million combined users each month.
  • 70% of bloggers are organically talking about brands on their blog.
  • 38% of bloggers post brand or product reviews.
  • More than 80,000 websites have implemented Facebook Connect since December 2008 and more than 60m Facebook users engage with it across these external sites each month.


Importance of New Media Marketing TODAY

If’ you’re not starting your online marketing then you are seriously hurting yourself. It doesn’t have to be anything too complicated or strategic, but simply maintaining a Facebook or Twitter account may be enough to keep you in the loop.

Have a blog? Even better! The digital age is upon us and getting familiar with it is a necessity for you and your business to survive.

It’s quite a different market here in the Philippines where the internet is just now emerging as a platform for advertising and marketing. Even now, in 2010, it still has yet to reach it’s full potential. It may actually be a few more years before we actually see what the internet is fully capable of doing. That’s why the internet bloggers, marketers, twitters and SEOers of TODAY will be the sought after leaders and experts when that time comes for Asia, and the Philippines in particular, to use the full potential of the internet.

Want to learn more about the net? Well I recommend starting a blog, getting a Twitter account and maintaining your Facebook account on a regular basis. Just start with that. On Twitter, follow the experts I mentioned in an earlier post (Top Twitters to Follow on Twitter) and you should start getting info on how to go about with online marketing and branding.

Some interesting facts and statistics from the video:

  • 1.7 billion internet users worldwide
  • Philippines ranks #18 in top users
  • 14 million Filipinos online in 2008
  • 28 million Filipinos online in 2010 (equal to entire population of Malaysia)
  • 83% are on social networking sites
  • 90% read blogs (of over 300,000 Pinoy bloggers)
  • 6 out of 10 Filipino kids are online
  • Asked if you were stuck on an island, “What would you bring?”
    • 4% TV
    • 20% cellphone
    • 32% laptop computer
  • 25,200,000 Filipinos watch videos online
  • 5.5 million Pinoys browse the web on their mobile phones
  • In 2014 there will be 41 million Filipinos online (if the world doesn’t end in 2012)

Very interesting numbers to think about. So, how are you going to communicate to your audience TODAY????

Thanks to my friend, and new media marketing guru, Carlo Ople of and for sharing this very insightful video with me.


So what do you think is the Importance of New Media Marketing TODAY?

Write the Best Headlines. EVER. (Digg teaches us how to get clicks)

If a tree falls in the forest but no one hears it, did the tree really fall? If you have the BEST blog post in the world, but no one clicks on it… well… you get my point.

Writing an eye catching / click suckling HEADLINE is often more important than the actual content itself. I mean, you can have the best story or blog post in the world, but if no one clicks on it to read it, then it’ll be nothing but another lost blog post in the vast spaces of the internet.

So here we “Digg” for help from to see how to write the best blog titles or headlines. EVER. Let’s see which headlines got the most clicks from 2009 and what techniques we can use to get the same results!

(Thanks to my Advance Internet Marketing Mentor, Jomar Hilario, for inspiring these priceless lessons. To find out more about him or to join his Advance Internet Marketing Classes, check out

Here are a few tips on how you should draft your next headlines or blog titles! Also, I attached pics of the actual headlines used on the popular news story voting website, that got the most Diggs (or clicks) from that Digg community. Let’s learn from the masters.

How to write the best blog titles or headlines. EVER.

(according to Digg)

1. Big Corporations Doing Injustice to Small Things


It’s the classic David vs Goliath story. Everyone wants to hear about, and route for, the less powerful underdog who is somehow being mistreated by the giant tyrant. People will click on that headline of the little guy trying to overcome the injustice brought about by some power-tripping big guy. You click on this title beacause you relate to stories like this and quickly associate yourself with the underdog, hoping to one day overcome your own big corporate injustices. Stick it to the man, just like we want to but don’t have the guts to do!

Kidnappers vs John

2. Eavesdropping Stories with Personal Info


As much as you may hate to admit it, we’re all intrigued by personal stories of personal lives with even more personal dirt, drama and secrets. We’ll click on that very real story of something happening to someone else and mock them for how stupid, crazy or idiotic they may be. Laughing at someone else’s expense is always a leisure that we unfortunately enjoy a bit too much. We each have our own little skeletons in our closets and it’s just funny to see how others react when theirs come out. I swear my mouse has a mind of it’s own and clicks on these controversial headlines. Exclusive leaked top secret stories sell!

Pat Robertson’s Secret Pact with the Devil

3. This is Why I Love _____ !!!!!


Good stories that are passionate and well written usually stem from extreme feelings. Loving something so much that you write an article about it is usually a great idea that translates into great writing. Your viewers can relate to you liking or loving something just as they do themselves. So write about what you love and share it with the world. Chances are, they’ll click on this headline to find out more about what you love and why you love it.

This is why I love Steve Jobs

4. Best ____ I’ve Seen Today that Will Surely Make You Smile


99.999999% of people like smiling. So why would anyone not want to click on something that will make them smile?

Funny video that will surely make you smile today

5. Mention “Facebook” “Twitter” or other popular sites


It’s already popular, so ride that wave! You’ll click on these headlines because it possibly holds relevant information or stories to something you use or associate yourself with.

Secret Hottie on Facebook

6. “Did you know? It will BLOW YOUR MIND!”


Don’t ask and don’t change anything. This is as good as it comes!

“Did you know?” Well, you probably didn’t know since you don’t even know what this headline is talking about, and mind blowing things are really cool So you’ll click. You know you will.

Did you know? It will blow your mind!

7. Why ____ should rethink _____


You’ll click on this because it challenges something you like. You immediately relate to it and wonder: “Why the hell should I rethink _____!!??!?!” So you click on it.

Why you should rethink wearing Skirts

8. How _____ should have ended…


Insert popular movie title in the blank for this headline. Again, riding a wave of popularity already. You can plug in whatever advocacy or product your selling as long as you do it in a semi comedic way. Spoof it, and they will come…

How Lord of the Rings should have ended

9. The ____ of the future has arrived


You definitely want to know what happens in the future. No one really knows this, but we’re intrigued to hear, see and read about predictions. I predict that in the future, you will click on a headline that talks about how things will be in the future.

Olympics of the Future

10. Best. ___. EVER.

best-wedding-invite-ever-write-best-headlines-ever-digg-how-to-best-of-2009 most-badass-epitaph-ever-digg-writes-bestest-article-titles-ever-written

If it’s the best EVER, then it has to be clicked on! In fact, clicking on headlines that talk about best things EVER, is the best idea. EVER.

Coolest Restaurant. EVER.

11. Insert “Cat” anywhere


Cat Kitty Kitten Cute-Lil-Kitty-Witty…. doesn’t matter, but in this LOLCATS crazy world of ours, having cats online is nothing but a good thing. Not sure why but it’s been proven time and again, that the internet loves cats and / or little cute furry things. So referencing kitties, bunnies and puppies, as well as adding pictures of them, will just make people smile and want to share that smile with others (refer to: tip # 4 on headlines that will surely make you smile).

Cat in the sink explains what PageRank (PR) really means


PageRank Explained (What is PR?)


If you get caught between a geeked out crossfire of tech words, or a blogger gathering of epic proportions, then you may have heard the geekish holy grail known as a high “PageRank.” Being a new web citizen or new blogger, you’ve probably heard this term get thrown out by your internet consultant who continually brags about how his PageRank 5 (PR5) site had gotten a link from some other famous PR7 site… This of course, means as much to you as the meows your cat gives you as he stares at you from his little kitty corner known as your sink.

So to break down the importance and meaning of a “Google PageRank” let’s start off by imagining you have a website that sells cellphones. Now, as you may or may not know, there are a hundred thousand kazillion other sites that sells cellphones online. Which is where our problem arises. Either way, YOU set up an online cellphone store which we will now call “CellPhone Store X

Cell-Phone-CellPhone-PageRank-Page-Rank-Google-ExplainedNow imagine that I’m a consumer, willing and ready to buy a cellphone online. Problem is, I have no clue where to go online to buy a cellphone. So I do what any other average consumer does, I search for it, and as most people do, I would probably use Google as my search engine. Now I type in something like “buy cellphone online” and I will probably get millions (27,300,000 to be exact) of web pages back from good ol’ Google.

Question is, where does YOUR “CellPhone Store X” fall in with the other 27,300,000 sites? Well probably somewhere between 12,563,905 and who-gives-a- f$#%*.

Since you didn’t really do much Search Engine Optimization (SEO) then your webpage just comes out somewhere lost in the kazillions of other pages. On the other hand, those people who did optimize their websites most likely are on the top of this Google search query. Meaning they are the first sites listed after you search for the words “buycellphone online.”

Google-Page-Rank-Thermometer-RankingHow much more money do you think these people at the top of the search page is making than your site lost in the millions? Well, A LOT MORE.

Thus lies the importance of Google’s PageRank. It is a page ranking system that rates how important your page is. A web page can be ranked from 1 -10 with 10 being the highest. The higher your rank = a higher position when people search for terms related to your content. is an example of a very important site that Google ranked with a 1o. My sites, and each have a PageRank of 3. Which is decently good.

To check your PageRank, you can check out this PageRank checker site.

Most people will never see a pagerank of 1. In fact, just getting to a PageRank of 1 is pretty impressive since it already entails lots of work and time invested.


How do you get your ranking higher include multiple facets but most importantly are LINKS and KEYWORDS.

Google ranks pages higher if lots of other pages LINK to it. Obviously, a site like has countless other sites referencing and linking to it. While KEYWORDS are the number of times the searched terms are mentioned within your site. Be careful with this though as there is an overkill where using the words too much actually hurts your PageRank score.

Anyway, that’s pretty much the importance of PageRank in a nutshell. Will get more into details of how to raise your PageRank in future articles.

Microsoft Bloggers Night

Microsoft is having a bloggers event night and all bloggers are invited.

Date: Jan 28, 2010

Time: 6:00pm to 9:00pm

Venue: 16F 6750 Ayala Office Tower, Ayala Ave,. Makati City, Philippines

Email to register

Expect Technology Previews like Microsoft Office 14, Online Security, and online blogging resources.

Meet other bloggers and the Microsoft folks.

Lots of freebies and givaways.
