Possibly the best thing to ever happen in this world!
Rebecca Black’s “Friday” performed by Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and the Roots.
Jimmy Fallon promised that if $26,000 was raised, Stephen Colbert would sing “Friday” by Rebecca Black on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
Jimmy Fallon promised that if $26,000 was raised, Stephen Colbert would sing “Friday” by Rebecca Black on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
Video Copyright NBC. All credit goes to NBC and Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
For those who wonder, the QR code held by the guy on the right contains this link: latenightwithjimmyfallon com /blogs/2011/04/fallon-colbert-project-bonus-video-thank-you/
Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert Friday Rebecca Black Spoof Remix
Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert Friday Rebecca Black Spoof Remix