Tag: leader

Leaders vs Followers

Followers accept
Leaders question

Followers get along with everyone
Leaders challenge everyone

Followers give you respect
Leaders make you earn their respect

Followers take the main road
Leaders take the road less traveled

Followers are content
Leaders stay hungry

Followers are afraid to fail
Leaders know they will fail before they succeed

Followers are afraid of change
Leaders welcome change

Followers think
Leaders do

Followers make others follow
Leaders inspire other leaders

Followers follow
Leaders lead

10 Easy Ways to Know You’re Not a Leader

This is an old post that my good friend Josh Green shared with me some time ago. I find myself always looking back on this list to see what qualities I can improve on for myself or the people around me.

Tony Morgan from www.TonyMorganLive.com gives us 10 simple clues not on spotting good leaders, but spotting bad leaders.

Is there anything else you think we could add to this list?

10 Easy Ways to Know You’re Not a Leader

  1. You’re waiting on a bigger staff and more money to accomplish your vision.
  2. You think you need to be in charge to have influence.
  3. You’re content.
  4. You tend to foster division instead of generating a helpful dialogue.
  5. You think you need to say something to be heard.
  6. You find it easier to blame others for your circumstances than to take responsibility for solutions.
  7. It’s been some time since you said, “I messed up.”
  8. You’re driven by the task instead of the relationships and the vision.
  9. Your dreams are so small, people think they can be achieved.
  10. No one is following you.

A Wish for Leaders

A Wish for Leaders…

I sincerely wish you will have the experience of thinking up a new idea, planning it, organizing it, and following it to completion, and then have it magnificently successful. I also hope you’ll go through the same process and have something “bomb out.”

I wish you could know how it feels “to run” with all your heart and lose… horribly. I wish that you could achieve some great good for mankind, but have nobody know about it except you.

I wish you could find something so worthwhile that you deem it worthy of investing your life within it.

I hope you become so frustrated and challenged enough to begin to push back the very barriers of your own personal limitations.

I hope you make a stupid mistake and get caught red handed and are big enough to say those magic words: “I was wrong.”

I hope you give so much of yourself that some days you wonder if its worth the effort.

I wish for you a magnificent obsession that will give you reason for living and purpose and direction and life.

I wish for you the worst kind of criticism for everything you do, because that makes you fight to achieve beyond what you normally would.

I wish for you the experience of leadership.

-Earl Reum

Cocky Sonofa…


Is there such a thing? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”
– Albert Einstein.

This quote has played a very big role in my own self esteem and can really be very positive, while being very egotistical and counter-productive at the same time.

I often reflect back to Bill Gates when he decided to drop out of Harvard in order to pursue his dreams. Imagine what his guidance councilor’s reaction to this was? I have so many different scenarios playing in my head, most of which involves the councilor calling Bill F-ing crazy, insane and absolutely idiotic, not necessarily in that order. Bill Gates, and anyone who walks the halls of Harvard, is pretty much guaranteed a six figure income right off the bat. Yet, Bill decided to take the chance, follow his own heart and do his own thing. Today, he is the most financially secure person in the world, to say the least.

But of course, we have to be realistic. We always hear about the amazing success stories but there are probably 10 (or more) failures for every victory. So how can one balance out between having our heads in the clouds but our feet on the ground?

Personally, I’ve always leaned toward taking the chance. Every mistake you make is one that you will learn from. Every mistake you make is one less mistake you will repeat.

“The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one”
–Elbert Hubbard.

Yes this may sound too aggressive and outlandish, and yes it is so much easier said than done, especially when you consider having to invest your life savings into your new widget. But I’m not talking about gambling when the odds are stacked in the favor of the casino, no, not gambling, but taking calculated risks in life. There are ways to plan things out, to stack the odds in your favor.

The best way to point yourself in the right direction is to do EVERYTHING you can to ensure success. There are so many other factors that are out of your hands, and those are meant to be left alone. However, aspects that you can control should be researched, planned, understood, structured, studied, debated, marinated, contemplated, practiced, innovated, re-contemplated and any other buzzword you could think of! Oh, and do come up with a plans A, B, C and D.

So far, you need to have confidence and believe in yourself then do everything you can to head towards the right direction. What’s next? *Now what?* (*refer back to previous blog post.)

“Now”, you have to listen.

Listening is a virtue. It’s so easily said, so frequently misused and too often forgotten.

Overconfidence only happens, when one forgets to listen. When one tunes out everyone else and only hears what you want to hear. You don’t have to agree or disagree with anyone, but you have to listen.

How do you listen? Well you need to be patient with the people who give you advice, but be careful whose advice you take.

There’s one more really, really important thing I need to tell you, which would pretty much make everything I said make so much more sense… it is the key to balancing your confidence….. it is something that one of my greatest mentors had taught me…. Umm it goes something like….. ummmm….. I can’t really remember it….. ahhhhh I wasn’t really listening….

Sunday Bloody Book Review 6 – “THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER” by Ken Blanchard, Ph.D & Spencer Johnson

Sunday Bloody Book Review 6 –

“The One Minute Manager” by Ken Blanchard, Ph.D & Spencer Johnson

This book is not about becoming a leader or a manager in one minute; instead, it is about how a manager can achieve big results in very little time.

The authors, Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson talk about the three basic secrets that a one minute manager should follow: One minute Goals, Praising and Reprimand. The authors also stresses on the fact that ‘people’ are the most important resource in any industry.

Written in the form of a story, the book meets its purpose of putting across the basic motives of a manager in very simple but powerful words. What Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson has written has already become a management masterpiece with the book being made a compulsory reading in many industries in the US and Japan.

This book is your magic mantra to what can be achieved in ONE MINUTE !

Excerpts from the book The One Minute Manager:

  • People who feel good about themselves produce good results. But let me frame it another way, Ignite your positives of today making them your everyday display, don’t allow negatives to decoy.
  • A winner is not one who never fails, but one who never quits! Winner never quit, quitters never win.
  • Help people attain their goal, get them accomplish the right thing.
  • Praise people immediately, help them reach their full potential. Catch them doing something right.

I only have three rating scales for my book reviews-

1. Must read
2. OK read but you’ll live without it
3. Don’t bother

This book, The One Minute Manager is a MUST READ! The power of the minute is evident and more important than ever! Time is gold and being able to be an efficient and effective leader is more important than ever!


Top 50 Most Motivational Blogs

Thanks to Presistence Unlimited, you can now enjoy the power of motivation without having to crawl your way around the web.

Here are the top 50 motivational blogs that will unleash your inner drive, in no particular order –

  • Zen Habits
  • Make It Great! with Phil Gerbyshak
  • Today is that day
  • Dumb Little Man
  • Achieve IT!
  • Success Begins Today
  • LifeDev
  • David Seah
  • Productivity501
  • Your Life. Organized.
  • The Cranking Widgets Blog
  • Pick the Brain
  • OkDork
  • Lifehacker
  • 43 Folders
  • Lifehack.org
  • Steve Pavlina
  • Slacker Manager
  • GTD Wannabe
  • Organize IT
  • Matt’s Idea Blog
  • Ian’s Messy Desk
  • Personal Development For A Greater Life
  • The Positivity Blog
  • Change your thoughts
  • Legal Andrew
  • ProductivityGoal
  • Zoli’s Blog
  • the simple dollar
  • Steve-Olson.com
  • Thriftymommy – good for Dads too!
  • Ricky Spears’ Blog
  • My Money Blog
  • Get Rich Slowly
  • Web Worker Daily
  • Life Tips Daily
  • Career Ramblings
  • Wise Bread
  • Life Learning Today
  • Diet Hack
  • Diet Blog
  • Change Your Thoughts
  • Duct Tape Marketing
  • Scott H. Young
  • Penelope Trunk’s Brazen Careerist
  • Instigator Blog
  • Ririan Project
  • D*I*Y Planner
  • LifeSpy
  • Management Craft
  • Life Optimizer
  • Genius Types

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