Here we go again, anther comedian says something about the Philippines and everyone and their mom thinks it’s the end of the world.
If you haven’t heard, talk show host and American comedian Adam Carolla went on a pretty funny (in my opinion) rant about the holy saint / prodigal son / chosen one / prophet almighty of the Philippines, Manny Pacman Pacquiao. reports:
Adam Carolla starts off his vulgar tirade by bashing Manny for not giving blood before a fight. He then proceeds to say that Manny is off “praying to chicken bones” and that you don’t have to respect him because he’s a “fu**ing idiot”. “Someone has to tell him that it doesn’t make a difference.”
“Here’s how you know when your country doesn’t have a lot going for it: When everything is about Manny Pacquiao.”
“Get a fu**in life as a country”
“All you fu**in got is just an illiterate guy who happens to smash other guys in the head better than other people”
“Really, you want some guy with brain damage running your country? Why don’t you get your sh*t together?”
“All they have over there is Manny Pacquiao and sex stores.”
“What happens when Floyd Mayweather beats him? Does your country go into depression?”
I laughed a bit when I read that. Especially about the part where he questions the aftermath of a Pacman loss. Which does have it’s credits. I’m not quite sure how fans will react to a Manny Pacquiao loss at this stage of his career. Especially considering many people take many things, like this meaningless rant of Carolla’s, too seriously.
I’ve had my share of saying some things that I thought were absolutely harmless, yet got hate comments talking about how I’ve offended people by joking about locals re-using Christmas gift-wrappers. These people I’ve offended of course also add an encore by sending death threats and saying that I should die (Lol – click ignore).
In my opinion, it’s more of a personal matter where insecurity usually leads people to get defensive. People, who know who they are and are confident in who they are, do not easily get offended by others who call them out.
If you told Michael Jordan that he was a bad basketball player, instead of threatening you back or complaining, he would use that doubt you have and push himself to do better on the court. He’s confident in himself, he knows what he can do and that he doesn’t take everything everyone says too personally. If you however tell a struggling basketball player that he sucks, well then, you’ll get lots of hate mail, anger, frustration and more negative reactions. It’s because the struggling basketball player is insecure about himself and thus, every little thing you say just makes things worse.
ou think Adam Carolla does not know what he’s talking about in this matter? Well, duh. Doesn’t really take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I know for a fact that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Which is exactly why I don’t bother lowering myself to even bother being offended by what he has to say.
Why waste any of my time or energy feeding off negative emotions towards an idiot? Why lower myself to that?
And that my friend is what is annoying about “people like you.” You waste time with negative energy towards an idiot like Adam Carolla and his pointless rant that had no justification.
You think Adam Carolla knows what he’s talking about in this matter? Well, duh. Doesn’t really take a rocket scientist to figure that out. I know for a fact that he DOESN’T know what he’s talking about. Which is exactly why I don’t waste my time lowering myself to even bother being offended by what he has to say.
Why waste any of my time or energy feeding off negative emotions towards an idiot? Why lower myself to that?
Don’t waste time with negative energy towards an idiot like Adam Carolla and his pointless rant that has no justification.
That’s my two cents. Love it or hate it. Hopefully people can realize that words are just words and that they should instead work to prove these words wrong, rather than go on a fruitless rampage.
Please direct all hate mail to my cat, Snug, who was the main influence that trained me to be a blunt, idiotic, country hater.