Sunday Bloody Book Review 6 –

“The One Minute Manager” by Ken Blanchard, Ph.D & Spencer Johnson

This book is not about becoming a leader or a manager in one minute; instead, it is about how a manager can achieve big results in very little time.

The authors, Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson talk about the three basic secrets that a one minute manager should follow: One minute Goals, Praising and Reprimand. The authors also stresses on the fact that ‘people’ are the most important resource in any industry.

Written in the form of a story, the book meets its purpose of putting across the basic motives of a manager in very simple but powerful words. What Kenneth Blanchard and Spencer Johnson has written has already become a management masterpiece with the book being made a compulsory reading in many industries in the US and Japan.

This book is your magic mantra to what can be achieved in ONE MINUTE !

Excerpts from the book The One Minute Manager:

  • People who feel good about themselves produce good results. But let me frame it another way, Ignite your positives of today making them your everyday display, don’t allow negatives to decoy.
  • A winner is not one who never fails, but one who never quits! Winner never quit, quitters never win.
  • Help people attain their goal, get them accomplish the right thing.
  • Praise people immediately, help them reach their full potential. Catch them doing something right.

I only have three rating scales for my book reviews-

1. Must read
2. OK read but you’ll live without it
3. Don’t bother

This book, The One Minute Manager is a MUST READ! The power of the minute is evident and more important than ever! Time is gold and being able to be an efficient and effective leader is more important than ever!
