So I started getting this error message on Facebook when I try to post links.
It said:
Sorry! Post Blocked to Prevent Spam
You appear to be using a browser plug-in that attaches spam to your Facebook posts. To complete your post, please remove this browser plug-in or switch to a different computer.
Of course, my initial reaction was WTF!
I searched online about this and apparently there aren’t any help guides or sources for this yet. It seems to be a new Facebook anti-spam plug-in feature. So I did my own research to see what was causing this.
For me, apparently it was my free anti-virus software from AVG. Ironic isn’t it?
Apparently AVG was attaching a little spam link to my posts on Facebook and on Myspace. It would say: “Link verified virus free by AVG” or “(Link) Secured by AVG LinkScanner – http://www.avg.com/fb”
This to Facebook, and to me, was spam.
So then, if you’re like me, you started to say:” F***ing AVG!” Followed by asking the question of: “How do I turn off the plug-in attaching spam to my Facebook posts?”
Well glad you asked.
So I figured out how to turn off the AVG spam plug-in for Facebook. All you have to do is:
1. Go to your AVG 2011 control panel on your Start menu button
2. Open / click on your “AVG 2011 User Interface”
3. Click on “Tools” (seen below)
4. Click on “Advance Settings” (seen below)
5. Click on “LinkScanner” (seen below)
6. UNCHECK the “Add ‘Secured by LinkScanner’ to any sent Facebook or MySpace message checked by LinkScanner. This applies only to messages which contain links.”
7. Sit back and enjoy your Facebook link posting.
8. Send Vince a thank you for helping you out! http://Facebook.com/GspotRadio =)
Ok so maybe you don’t really need steps 7 and 8, but it would be nice.
Anyway, hope that helps out with your Facebook spam plug-in turning off guide / tutorial. It’s my first time doing a step-by-step guide so hope that was ok.