I'm the Medicol Advance "Blogger of the Month!"
I Just Had An Orgasm While Watching This...

OK OK, first of all, some of these posters are highly offensive… so if you’re one of those sensitive types… then I recommend you don’t continue reading…. BUT, if you do, and you get offended… then these posters did their job!

These are my favorite Demotivational Posters I’ve seen while I should have been working…







Anywayz, these were my top demotivational posters of late. Definitely my favorite demotivation posters. But with all these craziness going on with the subliminal messages in these posters, we come down to one very important lesson that we need to learn from all these… Now pay attention to this very important point I have…


I'm the Medicol Advance "Blogger of the Month!"
I Just Had An Orgasm While Watching This...