The Digital Lab (Internet Marketing Seminar)
Bothering me... cat serial killer

“Three guys beating up on one dude with everyone else just watching… and you’re asking what’s wrong with ME?!?!” said the lead character, Kick Ass (his superhero name), as he tries to defend the one guy being beaten to death.

That was probably the one line that really got me thinking from this movie.

Now before I go on, Kick-Ass, the movie, KICKED ASS!!! I mean like, it was TOTALLY AWESOME!!!

Kick-Ass-Movie-Kicks-Ass-Review (3) Kick-Ass-Movie-Kicks-Ass-Review (5)

Without giving away too many spoilers, let me just say that it was a very earthly and REAL story.

Pretty much, some geeks asked the question on: Why no one has tried to be a superhero yet in real life? Dave, the story’s main character, realizes that there is so much sh*t going on in the world and that all we ever do is watch. No one ever takes initiative or takes action.

So as you can see, the plot alone has a very noble basis, yet coming from a very realistic place.

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Initially coming into the theater, and from seeing the trailers, I honestly thought this was going to be another stupid movie. I was thinking more to the likes of “Scary Movie” or “Naked Gun” and even “Mystery Men.” Fortunately, I was in for a pleasant surprise.

“Kick-Ass” was not like any of those idiotic movies. This one had a great story, great acting, FUCKING AWESOME fight scenes and the coolest characters! The character portrayals was actually one I liked the most. Each  personality in this movie was well developed, from their dialog, to their screen presence and even their internal conflicts. I could see the soul of each character as I watch each move they made and each word they said. The child who was a no more than a child, the father who had a vengeance, the boy who wanted to save the world and the son who wanted to be like his father.


Anyway, expect lots of cool action scenes, funny segments, bloody guts flying all over the place and of course, ONE KICK-ASS MOVIE!!!!

Definitely recommend you go see this!

****P.S. – from the movie director

“Think Jodie Foster, Natalie Portman and Uma Thurman rolled into one. She’s an 11 year-old and she’s the ultimate assassin. She kills, I think, 20 people in a minute.”

-Director Matthew Vaughn


Kick-Ass the Movie KICKS ASS!!! (An Ass Kicking Film Review)

“Think Jodie Foster, Natalie Portman and Uma Thurman rolled into one. She’s an 11 year-old and she’s the ultimate assassin. She kills, I think, 20 people in a minute.”

Director Matthew Vaughn

The Digital Lab (Internet Marketing Seminar)
Bothering me... cat serial killer