What's Up with A-Pop (Asian Pop)? - The Wild Hearted Invasion
LORD JESUS CHRIST gets ran over! Philippine elections and more

You’ve found “The G-Spot” with DJ Vince G.

A radio show on Mellow 94.7 FM every every Saturday from 6-9am and Sundays 6-10am.

Listing down all the stuff I talked about on air in case you wanted to check it out.

Listen online – http://Mellow947.fm

Connect with me on Facebook.com/djVinceG or on Twitter.com/VinceGolangco


Guest on Mellow 94.7

“Edumacate Me” is a segment where I interview interesting people with even more interesting jobs who come with something to teach and “edumate” me and the listeners with.

Today, our guest was Nash Casten and his crew from TroyDizonDating.com.

They talked about the art of “Pick-Up” but more on the dating and lifestyle aspects of it. It was a very fun and cool conversation and I totally didn’t have enough time to ask them all the questions I had.

So to summarize all that, the main thing I got was that to be able to start “picking-up” girls, meeting girls, getting their numbers and even sleeping with them, you first have to love yourself. Girls won’t be able to love you if you don’t even love yourself.

So with loving yourself comes the confidence that will start to attract everyone else to you.

To get started in getting this “confidence,” you need to find out about yourself and be comfortable with yourself. To find yourself, you just need to start doing things you love.

Let me break that down even more for you….

Do things you love = Love yourself = Others love you = Confidence = PIMP!

Yeah… I think that the E=MC2 of dating. Lol. But don’t take my word for it contact the experts, at TroyDizonDating.com, for more info.

(do let me know if you’re going to take a class with them as I’d love to have a follow up on our show with you talking about your experience.)


On This Day – May 9

1785 – British inventor Joseph Bramah patents beer-pump handle

1899 – Lawn mower patented

1914 – Pres Wilson proclaims Mother’s Day

1946 – 1st hour long entertainment TV show, “NBC’s Hour Glass” premieres

1960 – US is 1st country to use the birth control pill legally

1962 – Laser beam successfully bounced off Moon for 1st time

#1 Song Today, May 9th in the 80s:

1989 I’ll Be There for You Bon Jovi
1988 Anything for You Gloria Estefan & Miami Sound Machine
1987 (I Just) Died in Your Arms Cutting Crew
1986 West End Girls The Pet Shop Boys
1985 Crazy for You Madonna
1984 Hello Lionel Richie
1983 Beat It Michael Jackson
1982 Ebony and Ivory Paul McCartney & Stevie Wonder
1981 Morning Train (9 to 5) Sheena Easton
1980 Call Me Blondie

Fact or Fiction

For the 2010 Philippine Elections:

Each person only gets ONE ballot to vote. No one will be given a second ballot even if they made mistakes. – FACT

You need to know how to use computers to vote. – FICTION

A voter doesn’t need to touch anything on the PCOS Machine, the Board of Elections Inspector will do it for you! Don’t worry! The BEI’s know how to use them, they have been properly trained by the government. That means that people who don’t know anything about computers can still vote! The only thing you should care about is that you should shade the ovals in the ballots and make sure you insert it to the PCOS Machine correctly.

Do not tear the ballot nor but unnecessary marks on it! This will either not be counted or will be marked as invallid. There is only one ballot per person so use it wisely!

Reason to party today – coz it’s happy hour somewhere in the world.

Mother’s Day
Victory Day (Russia)

In Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries of former Soviet Union, the day of Victory over Nazi Germany was celebrated on May 9, because when the German Instrument of Surrender actually entered into force (May 8, 1945 at 23:01), it was already May 9 by Moscow Time. Some post-Soviet countries, most notably The Russian Federation, have continued the tradition.

Quote of the Day

“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.” ~George Jean Nathan

“Politicians are like diapers.  They both need changing regularly and for the same reason.”

Thanks for listening to “The G-Spot”

Hope it was good for you too…

What's Up with A-Pop (Asian Pop)? - The Wild Hearted Invasion
LORD JESUS CHRIST gets ran over! Philippine elections and more