BBT / Big Bang Theory Jim Parsons and Christina Hendricks are the BIGGEST Emmy Winners 2010
StuffMyDarthSays about Glenn Beck Rally Attendance

OK, not sure how long this AWESOME video will be available on YouTube before some suck-ass corporate prick tels YouTube to take it down due to copyright infringement….

But for now, here are the Gleeks of Glee, Jimmy Fallon, Tina Fey, Kate plus eight without the eight and many more for the opening of the 2010 Emmy opening skit!

And what an Emmy Award Winning / Glee Cub Regionals Winning opening skit it was!

2010 Emmy Award Winning Opening Skit with Gleeks of Glee, Jimmy Fallon, Tina Fey

BBT / Big Bang Theory Jim Parsons and Christina Hendricks are the BIGGEST Emmy Winners 2010
StuffMyDarthSays about Glenn Beck Rally Attendance