What Marked 2011 for You?
Deaf Baby Hears His Mom's Voice for the First Time Caught on Camera

It’s December 26, the day after Xmas.

Oh real quick here are the special occasions today, Dec 26:

“National Thank You Note Day” – The presents have been unwrapped and put away. Now it’s time to write those thank you notes.

“National Whiner’s Day” – A day dedicated to whiners, especially those who return Christmas gifts and need lots of attention


Anyway, on the show today we talked about the C word, yes, I know it’s still taboo, but we had to bring it up. Today we talked about CHANGE.

See my friends and I usually spend the holiday season reflecting on changes we saw in ourselves and changes we want to see. Of course. this all sounds professional and eloquent here, but pretty much we were just reminiscing on the year that was over some drinks and thought it would be great to ask our listeners about this.

So, it’s Post-holiday reflection time: This year, what changes have you seen in yourself? Also, what changes do you want to see for next year?

Here are some of the responses we got:

Vhan Gil Sayre Serneo: I seen myself mature this year not only mentally but also physically…. Next year I want to see myself in a stable job and ready to go abroad. I really need to help my family and be rich….

Inciong Jenny: more mature… more patience… And next year wish to travel and enjoy life more…

Val Patrick Fabregas: This year I did three jobs at the same time – two part-time college teaching while having a full-time work at a call center as a technical trainer. But I already ended my part-time work last October. Im seeing to march this March 2012, finishing my Masteral Studies. Pls greet my wife, Gie & my daughter Precious. More power to the WakeUp Show & Happy Holidays DJ Tracy/ DJ Vince

Riyao Komni: Good Morning! BECHEEz!!!
for the topic: This year I become selfish and always
inside my room alone,, but probably next year i’ll be
more spontaneous and out of the box. 😀
I just want to say hi to my colleagues Dom, Celine and Rosalie..
please play “What the hell” by avril lavigne.. thanks and more power!! 😀

Jomar Ambalan: This year i become more productive, workacholic and look older so next year i just wanna relax and celebrate life. And one more thing this year i become listener of mellow 94.7:). Hi vince and Tracy. I love you guys. Hi to my friends emcee, marlon and cams hehe i hope you’re listening.

Wilson Chan: Good Morning Beeeee CheeeZz Vince and Tracy! It was great to finally meet my famous nephew! Next mission is to meet Tracy! Hahaha! Merry Christmas man! For next year I will be more aggressive in pursuing my work and career and stop procrastinating! Please greet my lovely wife Tala a good morning… Thanks!


I’m  not really sure is planning to stop procrastinating next year is really the way to start that new resolution…. lol.

For me, I’m still figuring out whether or not it’s time for me to head back to the US. I’m still loving my job but just not sure if the pay here in the Philippines is really the best for starting a retirement fund. Again, need to sacrifice the $$$ for the fun right now, and I’m having lots of fun being on air and also doing the blogging thing. So let’s give myself one more year here to see what comes out of this.

But yeah, what changes did you see in yourself or what do you want to see next year?

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” ~ Mahatma Gandhi.

What Marked 2011 for You?
Deaf Baby Hears His Mom's Voice for the First Time Caught on Camera