Famous Last Words
Dance Like Nobody's Watching


Driving in the Philippines isn’t quite like it is anywhere else. Here are some things I wish people would think of while driving when in the Philippines.


Patience isn’t just a virtue… it’s a flippin necessity!
You can start your day off by smiling and keeping the little things exactly what they’re supposed to be – little. Or, you could totally BLOW UP and frustrate yourself at that one guy who cut you off on the road. It’ll really reflect the rest of your day. Your choice.
Size doesn’t matterJust coz you drive a bigger car doesn’t mean that you’re the king of the road.
Motorcycles, bikes and pedestrians are people too you know!
Pedestrians should have the right of way
I mean they’re walking… you’re driving…. you hit them… they die…. So can we just wait an extra few seconds to let them cross the street?
Did honking your horn that much really make things move faster?
Like really? Quit being a horn-y-bastard (get it… ‘horn-y’…. no…? Nevermind!)
Mind your manners
If you insist on flipping me off every time something doesn’t go your way, then I insist that you also say thank you during times that they do – like when I let you cut in front of me
The evil stare makes you look like a punkDon’t give me a stare down like you’re gonna do something while you drive off and hide behind your locked car. It just makes you look like a wuss
Try smiling, it makes everyone’s days better
They invented this thing called “Trash Cans”USE IT!
Stop throwing stuff out your window! This is YOUR WORLD and YOUR COUNTRY too!
It would be nice if you were niceIt’ll make this long road trip better for me and you
I know you have somewhere to go and you’re in a rush, so is everyone else. Can’t we all just get along?

Hope you’re all having a wonderful driven and driving day!

*Image #1 photo credits to http://filamfunk.blogspot.com

Famous Last Words
Dance Like Nobody's Watching