Connect the Dots Backwards: Steve Jobs Best Speech at Stanford
How to Win Followers and Influence Tweeple

OK, so if you’re living in the Philippines and hanging out in the Twittersphere, then you know that Twitter was the number 11 overall site that Filipinos were hanging out at for 2009. Personally, I get so much news, cool links, funny videos and just plain awesome tweets from here, all condensed into 140 nifty characters.

Though, I must admit, it took a while for me to find out which Filipinos / Pinoys from the Philippines are cool or fun to follow. So here’s my favorite Filipino Tweeple that you definitely need to be following on Twitter!

funny-twitter-birds-philippines-top-tweets-people-follow@mistygirlph – I already talked about Misty on my previous post, but really quick, if you aren’t already one of the 18,000 people following her, then you need to start. She’s one of the co-founders of the “2009 Best New Blog” award recipient that boasts viewers from 189 different countries and authors from all over the world as well. She’s a techie, a graphic artist, a “twitterholic” and just an overall nice person.  (Oh and you should follow @bitrebels too)

@ninaterol – Nina is the author of the blog I know…!!! Don’t you hate people who want positive change and empowerment of the powerless through social entrepreneurship and affirmative action! So yeah…. anyway, when this change maker isn’t doing all that change making, she’s tweeting about advocating causes, evangelizing ideas, working with civic groups, or blogging and social networking.

@jimparedes – one of the members of the legendary Philippine music trio – “The Apo Hiking Society,” Jim is one of the most fun and creative Tweeple to follow on Twitter. He’s a singer, songwriter, author, photographer, teacher, writer and more. Best of all, you can sense all his creativity and talents within his 140 character Tweets. You need to follow this creative guru!

@jasonqua Jason is one of the founders of Fantastik!Manila, an integrated marketing communications agency. He’s a genius at helping clients properly communicate with their audiences to ensure a direct link between the brand and its consumers. His experience with events marketing and internet / social network marketing is highlighted in his tweets. He’s very selective with his Twitter links as well and only tweets the most informative, insightful and/or funniest links. He’s a future marketing and social network superstar. Start following him now.

@flaircandy – FlairCandy, or Hannah as some non-netizens may call her,  is one of the top bloggers in the Philippines and Asia with her blog She’s got a good following from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and a lot of other countries other than the Philippines. Though a self proclaimed geek and Certified Public Accountant, she often manipulates time and space to fit in crazy escapades like surfing, skating, cheerleading, karting and eating cow testicles. With so many new experiences and discoveries, it’s no wonder people love following her candy sweet Tweets.

Twitter-Logo-top-people-to-follow-on-twitter-filipinos-pinoy-philippines@cocoy – not really sure where Cocoy is from or what exactly he does, but one thing I do know is that when he Tweets, he’s right on the money! He’ll usually tweet links to the best articles available for the top trending issue at hand in the Philippines or even around the world. Many times, the article will be one he wrote himself. Furthermore, these articles he writes always leave me impressed and wanting to read more. He contributes to, which is sorta like a justice league of Filipino writers, and which is comprised of the top Filipino bloggers banding together to blog and watch the 2010 Philippine elections in hopes of keeping it clean, fair and legal.

@momblogger – the editor-in-cheif for that said site, momblogger is also one of the top bloggers in the Philippines who was dubbed a “Tribal Elder” because of her knowledge with social media and her undying support to the many beginners at blogging and online media. Momblogger, or Noemi, is often sought after for advice from the blogosphere all the way to top politicians.

There are many more AWESOME Tweeple out there in the Twittersphere, these are some of the top Tweeters and some of my personal favorites. I’m sure I missed out on many more but will definitely write more about that on part 2 of this list of Top Filipino / Pinoy Twitters you need to follow on Twitter!

Oh and if you want to follow me, I’m @VinceGolangco or I also manage the @WhenInManila Twitter account. I usually tweet about the funniest stuff I find online as well as useful links for social media, marketing, writing, trends and life-in-general. Happy Tweeting!

Carpe Twiem! ~ Seize the Tweet!

Who do you recommend following? #FFF #FollowFilipinoFriday

Connect the Dots Backwards: Steve Jobs Best Speech at Stanford
How to Win Followers and Influence Tweeple